Majority of the beautifully enlightening and cryptic cats are in fact medium to small size category and often are living in small population-size in tropical countries. By small size, what I meant is habitat degradation and population insularization leading to small population size. Cats in general require contiguous and large intact habitats, often habitats must need to maintain the ecological integrity in the form of mosaic of heterogeneity where fresh reed beds, wet tall grasslands, tropical hardwood trees, and dense undergrowth of forest layers and shrubs are neatly created a suitable healthy ecosystem for cats to safely live and breed.
Unfortunately, wild cat ecosystems are increasingly under pressure due to various anthropogenic causes notably habitat encroachment by humans, habitat conversion for agriculture and pasture land, mineral exploration, logging for timber and other forest products and many more. Therefore, in order to conserve elusive and equally charismatic wild cat species, maintaining healthy ecological habitats is at paramount importance.